GI Joe Retaliation Film Review


Almost a year after G.I. Joe Retaliation was supposed to be released due to the film being made into 3D, it’s finally hit the screen. However was the long wait worth it?

Following previous film The Rise of the Cobra, many of G.I. Joe’s heroes are brutally killed by a military strike. The US President is the only person capable of such an attack, so why has he made the order?

The G.I. Joe’s left alive set up base in a rundown gym and seek help from General Joseph Colton who is never short of supplies. Colton provides them with pretty much every weapon on the planet including machine guns, grenades and swords.

Meanwhile Zartan is busy blackmailing the world leaders with Project Zeus, a weapon which could potentially destroy a number of cities. Can the G.I. Joe’s stop him in time?

Actor Review

Dawyne Johnson is a man who has really impressed in past films and he has done it again. Starring as Roadblock, he steals the show by a mile

Bruce Willis has a small cameo role as General Joseph Colton and succeeds in being a maniac who loves his weapons and having a good old shooting match.

Robert Fitzgerald Diggs (RZA) was unspectacular but critics saying his acting was poor I think is harsh. He rarely appears in the film and to judge him upon a couple of lines is simply not fair.

Also Jonathan Pryce (Zartan), Elodie Yung (Jinx) and Ray Stevenson (Firefly) are solid throughout the film.

Best Bits

Fighting is what Retaliation is about, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadows epic battles are as good as it gets! Seeing them in awesome sword attacks is at times brilliant and the actor chemistry makes the scenes even better.

Another battle scene sees Snake Eyes, Jinx and a whole selection of ninjas spiraling across a mountainside. It’s graphically stunning as they swing from various angles. You will also see various ninjas falling down the cliff to a certain death.

The highlight of the film by a pure mile has to be the funny bits; there are plenty of comedy moments to have especially from the characters of General Joseph Colton and Zarta.