Indiana Jones And His Next Great Adventure


Little did any American believe that Indiana Jones would be back on the big screen. Many of us had dreamed, but few of us had hope that was grounded in facts. Well, many years after his last great crusade, who should appear but Jones Junior. With the same adventurous yet corny spirit, everyone has prepared for “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” with joy and great anticipation. Was it worth the price of the popcorn?

Harrison Ford was as ever the adventurous and witty “Indiana Jones.” This time he is twenty years older and feeling a little of his age. This time he is not fighting the Nazis, but the Russian communists. As always, Ford approaches his role with just the right amount of wit and bravery. Although there is a little less brashness and a little more of a exploration into the emotional side of the character.

Cate Blanchett plays “Dr. Irina Spalko,” a Russian communist who is out to seek those mystical objects that will help further her country into powerful warfare. Cold, calculating, and quiet she slightly channels those traits that the old movie star Greta Garbo had. Although almost slipping out of her accent a couple times, she approaches this role as any of her other roles, with a deep insight into her characters and strong professionalism.

Shia LaBeouf plays “Mutt,” a greaser who is out to retrieve his childhood mentor “Oxley” (played by John Hurt), who is kidnapped by the Russians. Along the way he enlists “Indiana” who is an old friend of “Oxley’s.” LaBeouf could become the next Tom Hanks of our generation. From comedy to drama he not only plays it well, but his fits the feeling of this film well. His performance also adds that special touch of youth and energy that the movie so badly needs.

Before the watching the film one does worry that the audience would miss that special touch of the 1930s/1940s feel that makes the series so charming. Instead what we got was the combination of a 1940s and 1950s movie and it played really well. From a greaser fight in the ’50s cafĂ© to a very 40s-esque train scene, we are treated to the best film techniques of both decades. The stunts were just as good. The audience never gets a break and that’s why they like this series.

The scenery was incredible. This film was shot in many great locations including Hawaii. The most stunning and beautiful scenes were shot there. From the rainforest car chase, to the beautiful waterfalls, to the Amazon palace, we get some beautiful and exotic locations. Stephen Speilberg, give your location scouter a raise! Absolutely beautiful! On top of that, the lighting was stupendous. It was very much like the other films except it had that extra punch.

Everyone needs to see this movie. It is well worth seeing a legend on the screen, seeing it in full picture, and hearing that theme come out over the speaker. It’s a very nice addition to the series. Well worth the price of the popcorn, by the way.