Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? Six Reasons to Watch Frozen and to Keep Loving It


Frozen was released in theaters across the world only a mere five months back, and yet it has garnered worldwide attention, and acclaim. However, I was not able to really comprehend why it became the craze that it was-and still is-until a friend graciously allowed me to watch the movie from her laptop, a mere week ago. For someone who grew up with Disney classics, I am very particular with animated movies, which of course, have changed to keep up with current trends.

I have to say though, after watching Frozen that it has matched, and in some aspects, even surpassed my expectations.

Here are the top six reasons why ‘Frozen’ can already be considered a Disney classic that will be remembered in the decades to come:

  1. Memorable soundtracks. A typical Disney movie never goes without music. However, a memorable Disney movie doesn’t just have music, it engages the audiences emotionally and mentally. The lyrics are very simple that even a child can understand, and yet lurking between the lines is life lessons that all of us can learn from, regardless of age.
  2. Unforgettable characters. Let’s all admit it, each of us who’ve seen the movie can relate to at least one character in the movie. Whether it’s stoic Elsa, optimistic Anna, ambitious Hans, skeptic Kristoff or funny like Olaf, this movie can also be a parody of different aspects of our individual lives.
  3. Witty Lines. A lot of these made the movie also appealing to adult audiences. From Anna’s “Can I say something even crazier?” to Olaf’s “Some people are worth melting for”, to Kristoff’s flustered, “I could. I mean, I’d like to. I – may I? We me? I mean, may we? Wait, what?” before Anna kisses him-all of these will guarantee the movie to linger in the minds and hearts of many.
  4. One of a kind love story. In this generation, finding love can be accomplished in so many ways. Anna and Kristoff’s love story may have started under strange, even hilarious circumstances, but it blossomed in such a short of period of time-something each of us may likely have experienced one way or another personally. Whether it’s a May to November affair, or having known someone for a long time before realizing you love them, this love angle is one of the ingredients that have contributed to the success of the movie.
  5. Importance of Family. In this increasingly hectic world wherein many things grab our attention, this movie reminds us that whatever life has in store for us, we can always count on our families. By this, we mean family in every sense of the word, not just being connected by blood. This is probably one of the reasons why it has appealed to so many.
  6. … and lastly, what good is a Disney movie without a Happily Ever After? This is part of the Disney magic at work. Everyone loves a happy ending-who wouldn’t? I felt mixture of relief and sadness at the same. Relief that the movie has ended well for the characters who deserved it, and sadness that it has ended so soon.

It’ll be hard to top this one with a sequel, if there are plans. Truly, this movie does not just deserve to be put at par with other well-loved Disney classics, it also stands in a class of its own.