Network Marketing and the Movies


As I prepared to leave to go out to the movies the other night, it struck me that there are many similarities between the movies and network marketing.

I happen to enjoy documentaries and comedies the most. Other people I know really like high drama and even horror movies. In network marketing, not every person will like every product being offered through the direct sales system. Some people will like jewelry, some will like health and wellness products and some will like scrapbooking products. As you look for customers and team members, make sure the people you’re speaking to actually like the products you’re offering.

There are certain actors, actresses and directors who I really enjoy. Yet, there are times when a movie comes out with one of my favorites that I just don’t care for. This too can happen with a large product line. You may love the company and the products overall, but you may from time to time find a product you don’t care for. This is okay.

We have several theaters here in town. Each theater has its own unique appearance and attraction. Some theaters offer more movie options. Some theaters offer better candy choices and some theaters offer more matinee showings. In network marketing, there are often many people offering the same products. We need to be creative in making ourselves unique, making ourselves different from the others.

It’s even interesting how different people enjoy watching movies. Some people love to sit in the front row, while other people enjoy sitting in the back row. I know people who can watch a movie and text message through the whole thing, while other people get very distracted if a phone rings. The same is true in network marketing. Not every person will market the same way. Nor will every person treat their business the same. Some people come into the business to simply get a discount on products they know and love. Other people are looking to leave a job and maybe stay home with an infant or an aging parent.

Customers also are not all the same. I have some customers who order once a year from me, but their order is huge. I have other customers who order multiple times per year, but their orders are smaller, sticking to their own personal budget.

Have you ever watched a movie and halfway through the plot changes? This can also happen in network marketing. Sometimes a person joins the business and then a year later their life changes and they end up quitting the business. Or, someone joins for the product discount and a year later they get laid off and begin building their business, looking for additional income.

While I enjoyed the comedy I watched that evening, I was also busy comparing how movies and network marketing share many similarities.