Movie Review – The Wolfman (2010)


A surprise for me this week was the new movie starting an all-time favorite actor of mine: Anthony Hopkins and a newcomer: Benicio del Toro (really liked him in the Hunted).

The Wolfman is, you guessed it, about werewolves. Specifically, it is a remake of a 1941 classic movie by the same name. No, I never say the original.

The new movie was pretty good, great special effects and wonderful acting. Another favorite from the Matrix was Hugo Weaving, or, as I like to remember him as, Mr. Smith. He played Detective Francis Aberline in this new flick, and gave a great performance.

One detraction for me, though, was the look of the actual wolves. Whoever did this should have been fired and replaced with whoever did the effects work to create the werewolves in Underworld. Those are believable. There are shorts in this movie, such as the hands and feet, that are brilliant when Toro transforms into the murderous canine. But when we get a head shot of him – he just looks tacky and resembles all that I hate about older movie special effects.

But, besides this abhorrent lack of judgment on the creator’s part, this movie does a good job of re-telling a story that is older than dirt. I did finish it, which seems to say something about films today. It’s sad that just finishing a movie today somehow lends it credibility. It’s true, though. Most movies are just not fit to watch. This is not the case of the Wolfman.