Warm Bodies 2013 – Movie Review


‘Warm bodies’ is a newly released zombie based romantic-comedy movie, directed and written by Jonathan Levine. It is based on the novel ‘Warm Bodies’ by Isaac Marion. The main characters of this movie are Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer. Nicholas Hoult played the role of a Zombie “R” who is got in love with the zombie hunter Teresa Palmer, played the role of Julie Grigio.

R, with his friend M (Rob Corddry), wanders around the airport, in hope of getting human flesh to eat. They know how to communicate with each other, by making different sounds and gestures. He loves eating human brain, as it make him “feel alive.” These creatures are always in search of food, moving in shape of groups. Once R was looking for food with his fellow zombies, they came across Julie and her group. Julie, with her group was sent out to get some medical supplies, by her father Colonel Grigio (John Malkovich), who is also their leader. This group of human was living in a nearby area that was well secured. Perry (Dave Franco), Julie’s boyfriend shot R in his chest, as R was moving towards Julie, but the poor boy, Perry was hunt down by R. R started eating his favorite human part, Perry brain gave R the feelings for Julie and R becomes attracted to her. R then safe her from other zombies and took her to the plane, where he lives. This feeling for Julie started R to bring back to life.

Julie found it difficult to live with R and without her fellows, she asks R to take her back to her place. Julie wasn’t familiar with her boyfriend’s death, until R told her on their way back to her home. This shocking news caused her to leave R behind. Broken heartedly, R was coming back to his home when he discovers that he is not the only one who is feeling life in him but other members of his pack were also coming back to life. He and M then decided to go where the humans were living and they lead their group into the heavily fortified area of humans. There they met Julie’s father and her friend Nora (Analeigh Tipton). By looking at these creatures and understanding them, Nora starts believing in them but Colonel refuses to accept them and threatens to kill them. Julie’s feelings for R made her ran away from her group, but there they find a new creature, the Bonies. These are the skeletal zombies and are fed on anything that is alive and R and his pack is also under danger, as these zombies have started coming back to life.

They found themselves surrounded by the Bonies, but they managed to escape from these heartless creatures and jumped into a pool of water, where R is injured. After some incidents, the Colonel started believing in these newly converted creatures and then these zombies and the humans combine their force against the brutal evil the Bonies and finally hunted them down. This brain eating habits of the living dead resulted in the rebirth of these zombies as human beings, and this incident made them closer to the humans. And then both these groups started living together as a society and R started his new life with Julie.